Yassssss!!!!!!!!!! Just few days from our first anniversary, we decided to round up our year in a grand style. In partnership with the Awom Development Association, Youth-2-Youth and the friends of Y2Y organized a health fair in Guzang on Saturday the 18th of January 2020. We had a dynamic team of 12 youth-leaders made up of; 5 Medical Doctors, 5 laboratory scientists, a Pharmacist and a nurse. With 8 more healthcare volunteers from this community (making a total of 20 healthcare providers), we effectively reached over 500 men, women, children and adolescents. The fair started with two health talks. The first was on the prevention and the management of diabetes and hypertension delivered by dynamic Dr Didien (consultant with Doctors Without Borders in the NWR) and the second talk was on Family Planning and SRHR from Dr Jackie (the Founder and coordinator of Y2Y). Not only did we educate these adolescents on FP, but we also empowered mothers and fathers on how to effectively engage their children on sexual and reproductive health and did distribute 1000 condoms. This was truly an amazing experience of bearing enormous risk to reach out to those who are in great need! As we turn 1+, we look forward to doing even more for our youth and adolescents. We are out for a disruptive narrative for the wellbeing of our adolescents. #DisruptingforChange#
August 24, 2021